October 14, 2009

Exhibition BETC Art & Design

BETC Art & Design 

For my last year in College/6 form, 8 of us from our BETC Art & Design had to produce a exhibition with in the college, which showed our best pieces of your work from the 2 year course.
Here are a few photo's of my work.

A1 Portrait Drawing (Pencil)

A1 Archetecture Drawing (pencil)
Architecture pop-up invite card
Architecture relief painting 

Lady Macbeth Costume Design
Macbeth Theater Set Design and Backgdrop
Tattoo Photography edited on Photoshop
Britannica Photography & Pinhole Photography

Lady Macbeth Costume Design
Macbeth Theater Set Design and Backgdrop

Tattoo Photography edited on Photoshop

Life Drawing in Mixed Media

Figurative Sculpture design (Mod Rock)

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