October 14, 2009

Start of Uni

Start of my Uni work

"Developing a Personal Language"
A4 assertat cover with Line drawing design with scanned horizontal lines and cut out areas to show the Oil pastel work underneath. I had to involve myself visually in this work, and try and get across what my personal style though the 'Visual Language'.

"All Design is Political"
 This is another A4 visual work I had to produce. I had to chose an existing product, companies or anything else that I could change the understanding of it already to a humorous visual work.

A4 Lizard. Black Line drawing with colored crayons.
I haven't designed this, I have copyed this from google images from a photograph, as soon as I find the link, I will add it on here. I have added some more detail to some areas, I just wanted to see if I would creat a cartoon characters from photograic images of animals.

 I done this based on my friend 'Jess Hood' and her obsession with cloths, shoes bag's, you name it, she's got it.... So I though I could try and interpret this across by adding in a pose of here, thinking, and a border around her obsession things floating around.

  Another Illustration of 'Jess Hood'. This was based on a project of asking questions to the opposite person and producing an image from what you got. This also applies for the one above too.

 Yet again, I done another one of her. The question I asked was, what wouldn't you like to be, and as you can see for the Photoshop Illustration, she didn't wanna be a no one, not left in the dark.

9 Illustrations that are personal to me in different way's

Pencil Drawing of my pet dog 'Jake'.

Crayon drawing of a Lilly.

Oil Pastels of my accessories (beads).

Acrylic Painting of my 'Key Ring' on MDF Board.

Acrylic Painting of my 'Watches' on MDF Board.

Acrylic Painting of my 'iPods' on MDF Board.

Acrylic Painting of my first car 'Silver KA' on MDF Board.

Acrylic Painting background with pencil drawing of my 'Shoes' on MDF Board.

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