May 18, 2010

Fashion & Life Style within the Tattoo industry

A new project that I have been starting is to do with illustrating 'Fashion & Life Style' within any area I lie, so as I have always had something for tattoos, even tho I still haven't managed to design my self one yet, I was thinking about looking into how tattoos have now become more fashion base from how they were before and how it's now become more into our chosen life styles.

Looking into Trible designs I would like to Illustrate that type of fashion and Life Style first on a instillation piece or a massive Illustrations telling different things that become the meaning of what I thing of Trible tattoo designs are now.

Due to my research I have been doing so far, I have found some amazing people within the art industry.
Here area a couple of names and links to there work in Mosaic style:

Ed Chapman
some amazing work of his

Jason Mecier
For his style of using anything to create a mosaic piece

Just a tester of what I was getting my self into :)

These are the drawing and photo I was doing my mosaic on :)


 This is my Final outcome which is approx :120cm/80cm

This is my final outcome, which I'm not to pleased with to be honest, but The reason why it didn't work as well is because, I chose a to much detailed image to do, for a small place on my board and I couldn't get the detail within the images as the tiles when not small enough, but that was a  mistake which I chose not to do again, so then I made the next image lager to it, and made sure it didn't have the same problem.

From this, I know what I need to do for a better outcome, and I wouldn't mind doing it again, and seeing what else I can do with the mosaic :)

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