November 03, 2010

Final Year at Uni Beginning Project 'Children's Book Illustration'

I have decided for my Short Project up until Christmas, I will look into the age groups of Children's Book's and see what they learn though the ages, and how that is then effect the Illustrations throughout.

I have some favorite Children Book Illustrator's and Freelance Illustrator's that I admire and will use there work to inspire me though mine.

Nick Butterworth

Lauren Child
The official web site
Her Children's Book 'Charlie and Lola' web site

Gina Triplett ( and Matt Curtius)
Official web site
Her own blog

Here are my paintings that I did. Hope you like them.

 This is the colorful tropical butter fly that I love. I just think that the bright colours and bold outline would stand out so much for the children to see and they love to see colour.

This is the frog. I chose not to do the typical green frog everyone see's in books, so I chose Orange/Red. something different, and again bright and colorful for the children to look at.

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